كما وعدناكم بانه التطوير لن يتوقف بخصوص الاداة

وتم اصدار اليوم اصدار V1.0.9
ولمشاهدة كافة التحديثات من هنا

GEM-FLASH Firmware Scatter Compare and Analysis Information

فى الاصدار الجديد تم اضافة هذه التعديلات

V1.0.9 - 12/12/2016

added: new scatter file supported (Shorten scatter for some LG Firmware) . thanks to Mando-soft
added: new scatter file supported . thanks to PYTHON
fixed: some scatter text have another syntax , that was make ADDRESS is missing
fixed: scatter text now more stable than before
fixed: Nav Section was have problem in mobile style
fixed: some bugs in SEO
fixed: AddThis now working fine

  • ومن ابرز التحديثات هو دعم ملفات الاسكاتر الخاصه بالموديلات الجديدة من LG مثل ما تم طلبها هنا

اقتراح بخصوص ملف اسكاتر مسحوب بالانفتنى لبعض الموديلات الجديده - الصفحة 1
وفى هذه الاصدارات يوجد بعض الاجزاء التى لم يتم اضافتها بسبب انها اجزاء غير ثابته فى جميع الموديلات
وتم فلتره الملف ليظهر كاملا ويمكنك المقارنه بينه وبين اى ملف اسكاتر اخر او اى بيانات ميركل

مثال لهذا الملف
MBR 0x600000
EBR1 0x680000
__NODL_PRO_INFO 0x700000
__NODL_NVRAM 0xa00000
__NODL_PROTECT_F 0xf00000
__NODL_PROTECT_S 0x1900000
__NODL_SECCFG 0x2300000
UBOOT 0x2320000
BOOTIMG 0x2380000
RECOVERY 0x2980000
SEC_RO 0x2f80000
__NODL_MISC 0x2fc0000
LOGO 0x3040000
EBR2 0x3340000
__NODL_TEST 0x33c0000
__NODL_EXPDB 0x3dc0000
ANDROID 0x47c0000
CACHE 0x2d1c0000
USRDATA 0x34fc0000
__NODL_FAT 0x74fc0000
__NODL_BMTPOOL 0xffff00a8

  • وايضا تم دعم ملفات الاسكاتر txt المخصصه لبعض الاجهزة والتى تتميز بسمه physical_start_addr: 0x0وتم طرحها هنا ايضا

نوع من الاسكاتر غير مدعوم - الصفحة 1
وتم اصلاح المشكله بهذا الملف تحديدا ويمكن استخدامه بدون مشاكل الان وسيتم سحب الaddress بطريقه صحيحه

مثال على هذه النوعيه من الاسكاتر

#  General Setting 
    - config_version: V1.1.1
      platform: MT6571
      project: s806_lca
      storage: NAND
      boot_channel: NONE
      block_size: 0x40000
#  Layout Setting
- partition_index: SYS0
  partition_name: PRELOADER
  file_name: preloader_s806_lca.bin
  is_download: true
  type: SV5_BL_BIN
  linear_start_addr: 0x0
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x100000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: BOOTLOADERS
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS1
  partition_name: PRO_INFO
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x100000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x100000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: PROTECTED
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS2
  partition_name: NVRAM
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x200000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x300000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: BINREGION
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS3
  partition_name: PROTECT_F
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x500000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x300000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: PROTECTED
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS4
  partition_name: SECCFG
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x800000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x40000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: INVISIBLE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS5
  partition_name: UBOOT
  file_name: lk.bin
  is_download: true
  type: NORMAL_ROM
  linear_start_addr: 0x840000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x80000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS6
  partition_name: BOOTIMG
  file_name: boot.img
  is_download: true
  type: NORMAL_ROM
  linear_start_addr: 0x8c0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x600000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS7
  partition_name: RECOVERY
  file_name: recovery.img
  is_download: true
  type: NORMAL_ROM
  linear_start_addr: 0xec0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x600000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS8
  partition_name: SEC_RO
  file_name: secro.img
  is_download: true
  type: NORMAL_ROM
  linear_start_addr: 0x14c0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x40000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS9
  partition_name: MISC
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x1500000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0xc0000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: INVISIBLE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS10
  partition_name: LOGO
  file_name: logo.bin
  is_download: true
  type: NORMAL_ROM
  linear_start_addr: 0x15c0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x100000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS11
  partition_name: EXPDB
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x16c0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x200000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: INVISIBLE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS12
  partition_name: FAT
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x18c0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x1400000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: INVISIBLE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS13
  partition_name: ANDROID
  file_name: system.img
  is_download: true
  type: UBI_IMG
  linear_start_addr: 0x2cc0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0xf800000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS14
  partition_name: CACHE
  file_name: cache.img
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0x124c0000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x180000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: INVISIBLE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS15
  partition_name: USRDATA
  file_name: userdata.img
  is_download: true
  type: UBI_IMG
  linear_start_addr: 0x12640000
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x0
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS16
  partition_name: BMTPOOL
  file_name: NONE
  is_download: false
  type: NONE
  linear_start_addr: 0xFFFF0038
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0xe00000
  region: NONE
  storage: HW_STORAGE_NAND
  boundary_check: false
  is_reserved: true
  operation_type: RESERVED
  reserve: 0x00

اشكر كل من طلب التطوير والدعم لهذه الموديلات الجديدة والابلاغ عن المشاكل التى يمكن ان تواجهكم باستخدام الاداة

وبانتظار ارائكم فى التحديث ومناقشة اى مشاكل تواجهكم مع الاداة