.: مراقب اقسام البوكسات والبرامج المحمية :.
غير متواجد
ازالة حساب جوجل ل Samsung Galaxy A10s SM-A107F android 11 s8
السلام عليكم
والجهاز مطفا اضغط ازرار الصوت ووصله بالحاسوب
Waiting for mobile phone connection...
Connecting device.
Device Port:MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1633 (Android) (COM10)
Initializing connection...
Device Port:COM10
Attempting to access BROM state device...
Waiting for mobile phone connection...
Connecting device.
Device Port:USB Serial Device (COM11)
Initializing connection...
Device Port:COM11
Downloading Boot1 to device...
Waiting for mobile phone connection...
Connecting device.
Device Port:USB Serial Device (COM11)
Initializing connection...
Device Port:COM11
Reading mobile phone hardware information...
CPU_Ver:8A00 SOF_Ver:CA00
Downloading Boot2 to device...
Storage :QX63MB
Reading device flash information
Boot1_Size: 0x00400000 -> 4M
Boot2_Size: 0x00400000 -> 4M
RPMB_size: 0x01000000 -> 16M
Flash_Size: 0x0747C00000 -> 29820M
Flash Code:QX63MB
Device Status:high-speed
Switching device to high-speed port.
Waiting for high-speed port connection...
Device High-Speed Port:
Successfully connected to the high-speed port!
Device Status:high-speed
Reading mobile phone GPT data...
Erasing FRP data...
Erasing FRP data...
Restarting device...
Operation completed!
0 %
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