السلام عليكم والجهاز مطفا
اضغط رفع الصوت ووصله بالحاسوب

tab info

Platform Version:MOCORTM_20A_W22.07.3_P1_Debug
Project Version:sharkl5_c2k_pub
BASE Version:4G_MODEM_20A_W22.07.3_P1
HW Version:sharkl5_c2k_modem
02-28-2022 16:42
Ap Version:Tab_7_NEU-user 11 RP1A.201005.001 20220225 release-keys
Read Imei...OK

Read WiFi&&BT...OK
WIFI Addr: 000000000000
BT Addr: 000000000000

Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 36.52.1307 @ 2023-08-05
Factory reset the device...
Rebooting the phone...
Finished at local time: [08.05.23 17:20:40]
WorkID: 229180652

Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 36.52.1307 @ 2023-08-05
Printing phone history

Factory Reset

Removing factory reset protection...
Rebooting the phone...
Finished at local time: [08.05.23 17:25:42]
WorkID: 229181319