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كود:Hydra Tool Ver 2023.1.31.5 - Windows 10 (Version 21H2, OS Build 19044.2486, 64-bit Edition) Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz Intel(R) HD Graphics Ram Installed : 4 GB Windows Access Right : Admin Software Run As Admnistrator ******* Dongle Info ******* Version : Hydra Tool v 1.2 Serial : 191100002821 Initialize : OKAY Status : Activated Life : 0 [0-0-0-0-0] Port : [Auto] Scanning...COM23 Opening Port...(COM23)Ok Identifying... [SPRD3] Sending Config Ok Boot1 [hydra.fdl1] Ok Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1 Boot2 [hydra.fdl2] Verifying Loader 2.... Ok Sending To phone.... Phone is Secured and need Authentication.... Sending Challenge Key To Server.... Please wait.... Token Received....... Writing to phone... Token verified successfully... Ok Successfully booted..Ready to go... ------------------------------------------ Service_FRP_Flashmode... ------------------------------------------ Reading IMEI... BSL_REP_OPERATION_FAILED BSL_REP_OPERATION_FAILED. Reading System Info. Removing FRP...Ok Closing Port...Ok.. Elapsed Time : 00:00:09