Checking fastboot device.....OK
Reading info.....OK
Device Model: HUAWEI SCL-L01
Device Serial: NQL7N15A16005856
Device Firmware: SCL-L01C432B140
Device FB Lock: LOCKED
Device Lock: Bootloader Lock State: LOCKED | Root State: UNROOT | Bootloader WidevineKey: WidevineKey_VALID | System State: need to verify | Boot image need to be verified | Recovery image need to be verified | Bootloader Version: 001.001.000
Waiting for server.....OK
Reading data.....OK
Posting data to server.....OK
Waiting for server response.....OK
Unlocking device.....OK
Resetting FRP.....OK
Operation {Reset FRP using server} ID: 23529D30F561668C
Elapsed time 00:18 -- Version 3.4.3