So here's what we've done this week:

New models:

Bug Fixes/DLL updates:

  • Samsung_SC_05D.dll
    - fixed one bug
  • Samsung_T999.dll
    - ID 0x707910E1 is added to allowed list
  • Samsung_N7000_AP.dll
    - added 32GB eMMC (29.12GB) chip resurrection data
    - improved flashing of BP1
  • Samsung_I559.dll
    - ID 0x203E00E1 is added to allowed list
  • Samsung_T959.dll
    - new boot files are imported into this DLL.

Software and Plugins updates:

  • JTAG Manager 1.48
    - added checking of plugin version before activation of it.
    - nothing else is changed. New version of compiler used requires to update to 1.48
    Please note, with older versions you will not be able to use plugins. Re-download all plugins again from support.
  • eMMC Partition Table FullFlash Image Files Processing Plugin (eMMCDiskPartitions.dll) v2.02
    - improved "Show Gaps" feature: if there was GAP at the very first partition (that is if the first partition started not from 0 address)
    the gap was not shown)
  • eMMC Partition Table FullFlash Image Files Processing Plugin (eMMCDiskPartitions.dll) v2.01
    - added automatic recognition of partition names for a quantity of already known phone models
    (Select "Automatic Recognition" in the combobox instead of some specific names preset)

RIFF Box Torrent Tracker:

In total, we made 59 new models this month.