Here is what's new today:

New models:

Bug Fixes - DLL Updates:

  • Pantech_A800S.dll
  • Samsung_I747.dll
  • Samsung_I8160.dll
  • Samsung_I9070.dll
  • Samsung_I9070P.dll
  • Samsung_I8530.dll

New RIFF Box JTAG Manager:

  • JTAG Manager 1.47
    - Added new more APIs for Resurrector DLLs. These allow more flexible target initialization;
    - Added "PAUSE" feature which allows now JTAG Manager to work be "paused" on command from Remote Helper.
    Paused JTAG Manager frees RIFFBOX comport and becomes inaccessible until Remote Helper allows it to "unpause"
    Thus, Remote Helper may work without fear that user may meddle in process.

New RIFF Box Remote Helper:

RIFF Torrent Tracker: