1. Please fill the form on the page http://www.universalbox.com/?page=signup to get access to download area

2. After registration please download main software (setup.exe file) from http://www.universalbox.com/?page=downloads.
3. Drivers are avaliable in folder: C:\Uni\Driver after software installation - please choose this folder when you connect the box.

4. Open UniversalBox software , go to Setup -> General, press ******* button - software will detect device. After ******* USB option will be avaliable,please check it and press Apply button. From now box will work with the software.

5. please go to Update tab -> Self Update and press Update button. Software can disable at this moment. Please run software again and make update again. Update is complete when all positions with minus will change to version number (please disable firewall during update process or permit softare each time when it need)

6. Please go to Setup tab -> User info and press Read user info button. Please fill all new fields and save it