سلامو عليكو

انا عملت الشرح الموجود فى المنتدى عن اصلاح ال قطعه

الموضوع دة

ودة لوج التفليش

23:20:13 Initialize...
23:20:14 Device: MSP430F1610. Info(0x1000-0x10FF), Main0x8000-0xFFFF)
23:20:14 Erasing flash memory...
23:20:19 Erase complete.
23:21:01 Loading Binary file "F:\mandolen\HWK\BOX\REPAIR\LAST\mspfet_161014 With HWKhid file.bin\mspfet_161014\hwkhid By roka_air.bin"...
23:21:01 Load 8704 bytes.
23:21:02 Initialize...
23:21:03 Device: MSP430F1610. Info(0x1000-0x10FF), Main0x8000-0xFFFF)
23:21:03 Programming the device memory...
23:21:03 Warning: Device memory started at 0x1000...
23:21:10 Program complete.

ومع ذلك نفس المشكلة بردة
