ما مدي صحت هذي المعلومات
- How to buy additional software (activation) for USTPRO-2 (add more software to your USTPRO-2 smart-card):
1. Software to read S/N SPT-Box Dongle Manager is here
2. Enter USTPRO-2 serial number (S/N), it should be 19 symbols, f.e. 1234567812345678-90
3. Click to "Buy" button near S/N and you will see an information about your order
4. Confirm operation
5. Credits will be taken from your account
6. You will see an instruction how to finalize activation process (in some cases you have to wait several hours to finalize activation process)

- Before buy USTPRO-2 activation - check your USTPRO-2 smart-card (can be upgraded well or not):
1. Download SPT-Box Dongle Manager
2. Try to upgrade your USTPRO-2 (without any preliminary payment)
3. If you will see no any errors during this test - your card is well working and can be updated