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يعود رسكال بهذا الدنجل مؤكد انه يصعب اختراقه

Is it possible to kill Fe nix Key security card? No. As long as you use Fenix Key security card with our reader there is no possibility to kill the card. We designed and manufactured special card reader which blocks any attack attempt. However, the card is still fully updateable. Notice: Despite of the protection you should not download and install any suspicious software (especially the one that is infamous for smart cards killing).
Can I use Fe nix Key to download flash files? Yes, Fenix Key comes with access to our support servers. Over 100 000 product variants ready to download are waiting for you. Do I need any flashing interface (box)? No, Fenix Key connects to phone through built in mobile USB connection so you need only 3 standard USB cables (micro, mini and CA-70). What should I know about servicing phones? We provide step - by - step manuals and videos to help you start but you must have general knowledge about Nokia BB5 platform. I flashed my phone but after that my device does not switch on and seems to be killed. What am I to do?

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