من فضلكم يااهل الخبرة اريد فك شفرة w810i cid50

عندما اقوم باشعاله يكتب Insert correct SIM card

مع العلم اني املك بوكس الكرزر بلوس

وعندما اعمل Unlock RSA يخرج لي هذا المشكل الملون بالحمر

System diagnostics passed.
Version 13.21 ready!
Do NOT connect the phone at this time!

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via SEMC DCU-60...
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
USB connection established.
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Booting via EROM...
Trying Red CID50 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 0s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060712 1520 HAN_DB2012_FLASHLOADER_...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Unlock RSA --- ]
Sending CS applet...
Applet ID: 060721 0900 GENCXC1327364_COMPACT_S...
Initializing CS applet...
Connecting to server...
Time: 00:00:01

Unable to connect to server.
Could not unlock CS applet...
Error: Could not initialize GDFS access.
Restore or reflash the main firmware immediately!
Unlocking RSA damages the first 768KB of main FW in these phones.

وعندما اقوم بال Restore بهذا الملف R4EA031_CXC1250316_GENERIC_HN.cw81sw

يخرج لي هذا المشكل الملون بالاحمر

System diagnostics passed.
Version 13.21 ready!
Do NOT connect the phone at this time!

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via SEMC DCU-60...
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
USB connection established.
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Booting via EROM...
Trying Red CID50 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 0s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060712 1520 HAN_DB2012_FLASHLOADER_...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Unlock RSA --- ]
Sending CS applet...
Applet ID: 060721 0900 GENCXC1327364_COMPACT_S...
Initializing CS applet...
Connecting to server...
Time: 00:00:01

[ --- Turn off Phone --- ]
Turning off phone...
Phone turned off.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via SEMC DCU-60...
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
USB connection established.
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Booting via EROM...
Trying Red CID50 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 0s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060712 1520 HAN_DB2012_FLASHLOADER_...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "R4EA031_CXC1250316_GENERIC_HN.cw81sw"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...

Flash color/CID mismatch!
****** error: Flash error [13.21.77]

مع العلم انني قمت بفلاش الجهاز بهذه الفلاشة


اريد الحل وشكرا مسبقا