بعد نجاح اصلاح السوبر دنجل لم استطع اطلاقا كتابة pm sx4 لا على الامتي ولا على mxkey والاخوة الاعضاء يقولون لا تستطيع كتابة pm الا على بوكس الامتي والسؤال هنا كيف استطيع كتابة pm sx4 على الامتي خصوصا بعد فشل منطقة السيكيوتي ؟ وفي اللوج ادناه عملية كتابة فاشلة للpm مع اني امتلك اكونت . ارجو الافادة

Model: RM-133 (N73-1)
V 05wk47v61/09-07-08/RM-133 (c) Nokia.
IMEI: 359569013559571
Using Account: uMTPlite102264
o/0110/hello there
OK, available count
1/Added Panasonic X700 and VS3 and Alcatel E-xxx
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PMM Send File
Warning: Failed to write 001:0000, 114bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0002, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0004, 110bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0006, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0008, 110bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:000D, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0010, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0012, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0014, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0016, 16bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0017, 4bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0018, 84bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0019, 4bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:001A, 110bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:001C, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:001D, 6bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:001F, 98bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0021, 36bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:0022, 80bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 001:002C, 182bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0000, 4bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0001, 2bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0002, 12bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0004, 12bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0005, 12bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0007, 12bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0008, 12bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0011, 12bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Warning: Failed to write 135:0016, 12bytes.
Use SX4 button to authorize
Operation Completed