قائمة الاعضاء المشار اليهم

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الموضوع: جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

العرض المتطور

المشاركة السابقة المشاركة السابقة   المشاركة التالية المشاركة التالية
  1. #1
    صديق المنتدى
    الصورة الرمزية HITMAN_GEM

    غير متواجد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2008
    *,,في قلب كل انسان،،*
    Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S
    الشَكر (المُعطى)
    الشَكر (المُستلَم)
    الإعجاب (المُعطى)
    الإعجاب (المُستلَم)
    غير معجبون (المُعطى)
    غير معجبون (المُستلَم)
    تم تذكيره فى
    0 مشاركة
    تمت الاشارة اليه فى
    50 مواضيع
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Thumbs up جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت


    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    C820, C825, C700, C701, C707, C717, Elle-N3 set language to English: *#0044#
    C820, C825, C700, C701, C707, C717, Elle-N3 set language to Russian: *#0007#
    C820, C825, C700, C701, C707, C717, Elle-N3 set language to French: *#0033#
    E101, E207 software version: *#4837*#
    E101, E207 auto call test: *#2255*#
    E101, E207 memory status: *#6362*#
    E101, E207 reset menu: *#7378*#
    S520 factory mode: *#3228#
    S520 engineer mode: *#364463#
    S520 software version: *#837#
    S520 auto test: *#2886#
    S520 clean test records: *#3872#
    S520 restore default settings: *#73738#
    S520 something unknown: *#200709*01#


    Alcatel HD1, HE1: 25228353
    Alcatel BE1, BE3: 25228352
    Alcatel BE4, BE5: 83227423

    *#06# Show IMEI & SW version
    000000* Entering in Engineering Menu1 (with SIM)
    ###874# Reset to Factory Defaults (with SIM)
    ###765*02# Add Barring Groups
    ###765*05# Locking to Network
    ###765*07# Unlocking from Network
    ###765*08# Erase Network
    ###765*78# Deactivate Barring Groups
    0123456789 Menu2 Code - BE4 Menu2 - turn long CALL in Maenu1

    *#0048# Fast change language (Polish)
    *#0049# Fast change language (Deutsch)



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    software version: *#300#
    test mode: *#302*20040615#



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *#0000# Language automaticaly (reset to english)
    *#3370# Enhaced Full Rate
    *#3370# Reset the phone
    *#9000# enter sim lock code
    *#9001# enter the corporate code (Bosch 908)
    *#9002# enter the provider code (Bosch 908)
    *#9003# enter the network code
    *#9004# enter the subset code
    *#9100# remove the sim lock permanently
    *#9101# remove the corporate lock permanently
    *#9102# remove the provider lock permanently
    *#9103# remove the network lock permanently
    *#9104# remove the subset lock permanently
    *#3262255*8378# (*#DANCALL*TEST#) hidden 10th menu



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *### Camera Module not Ready
    *#66*# Set Factory Mode CONFIRMED
    *#8375# Show Software Version CONFIRMED
    *#1234# A2DP ACP Mode CONFIRMED
    *#1234# A2DP INT Mode CONFIRMED
    *#0000# + Send : Set Default Language CONFIRMED
    *#0007# + Send : Set Language to Russian CONFIRMED
    *#0033# + Send : Set Language to French CONFIRMED
    *#0034# + Send : Set Language to Spanish CONFIRMED
    *#0039# + Send : Set Language to Italian CONFIRMED
    *#0044# + Send : Set Language to English CONFIRMED
    *#0049# + Send : Set Language to German CONFIRMED
    *#0066# + Send : Set Language to Thai CONFIRMED
    *#0084# + Send : Set Language to Vietnamese CONFIRMED
    *#0966# + Send : Set Language to Arabic CONFIRMED

    More some codes for reset mobile china



    default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678

    Engineer mode: *#110*01#

    Factory mode: *#987#

    Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config ->

    Restore factory settings: *#987*99#

    LCD contrast: *#369#

    software version: *#800#

    software version: *#900#

    set default language: *#0000# Send

    set English language: *#0044# Send

    set English language (new firmware): *#001# Send

    for n95 that trips off on making call use


    goto misc item 6,and goto amr and press center botton

    I-mobile Inno30, 55, 89, 90, 99, 100, A10, A20, P10, Vk200

    - Set full factory *741*737381#
    - Set full factory *741*7373868#
    - Set full factory *741*2878#
    - Set Engineer Mode *888*888#
    - Check software version *888*837#

    I-mobile 100 ,200 , 313

    - Check software version #*888#

    I-mobile 309, 310

    - Check software version *0*4636#
    - Test Mode *0*6268#

    I-mobile 311

    - Check software version #*878#
    - Check software version *1222*1#

    I-mobile 301, 302,308, 508, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 611, 901, 902
    - Check software version *#159#
    - Set Factory Mode *#32787#
    - Set Engineer Mode *#3646633#

    I-mobile 503, 506, 605, 600, 607, 608
    - Set Engineer Mode ***503#
    - Set Factory Mode ***504#
    - Set Auto Test ***505#

    I-mobile 509, 612
    - Set Factory Mode *#66*#

    I-mobile 504, 505, 803

    - Check software version *68*48#
    - Set full factory *789#
    - Test Mode *#789#

    I-mobile 305, 306, 315, 510, 609, 609i,516

    - Check software version *#8375#
    - Set Factory Mode 878

    I-mobile 610

    - Check software version *#22#

    I-mobile J101, J102

    - Test Mode *23638777*783781#

    I-mobile 502, 502i, 505, k9, 802
    - Check software version *201206*4636#
    - Test Mode *201206*6268#

    default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
    Engineer mode: *#110*01#
    Factory mode: *#987#
    Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config ->
    Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
    LCD contrast: *#369#
    software version: *#800#
    software version: *#900#
    set default language: *#0000# Send
    set English language: *#0044# Send
    set English language: *#0001# Send
    set English language: *#001# Send



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *#06# IMEI
    <**< lock menu
    >*<<*<* service menu
    *#0000# fast english menu
    **04*0000*0000*0000# menu without SIM

    *#103# YES date and time



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    M90 reset user code: *2100#
    M100 software version: ####0000#
    M110 reset user code: *2100#
    2040(i) reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
    MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
    MX200 software version: *#900# Send
    SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
    SL300m software version: *#900# Send
    SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
    SL500m software version: *#900# Send
    MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
    MP500 software version: *#900# Send
    Set language to English: *#0044#
    Set language to Russian: *#0007#
    Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    C926 software version: *320# Send
    C926 set default language: *#0000# Send
    C926 set English language: *#0044# Send



    image preview
    *6861# factory reset
    *0008# language
    *0009# language
    *0000# language
    *7245786# check read FFS
    *762442# GVCMMI Magic
    1945#*5101# sim lock menu

    default security code: 0000
    clear user code/user lock: 2945#*# -> Factory Reset
    software version: 2945#*# -> S/W version



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    CDMA: w150, w150i, w170, w170c, w200, w210, w355:

    Set English language:
    1. Menu
    2. Down 7 times, Right soft button
    3. Down 3 times, Right soft button
    4. Down 1 times, Right soft button
    5. Down 4 times, Right soft button
    6. select language now

    C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C122 software version: #02#*
    113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C122 reset defaults: **0102#
    C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
    C138, C139, C140 reset defaults: **0102#
    C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
    C155, C156, C157 reset defaults: **0102#
    C257, C261 software version: #02#*
    V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
    V171, V172, V173 reset defaults: **0102#
    V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
    C168, C168i, W220 software version: *#**837#
    C168, C168i, W220 master reset: *#**367628# Send
    C168, C168i, W220 E2p reset: *#**778337# Send
    W205, W208, W375 software version: #02#*



    nec logo

    *#06# IMEI
    *73738# (send?) Reset to defaults
    *#2820# Software version

    SP Lock info
    *#3210# (send?) for Sim lock info
    *#8140# (send?) for Net lock info

    [password is an 8 digits number]

    Sim Lock
    *#4960# (send?) - Inquiry * 4969 * password * password # (send?)

    Net Lock
    *#7320# (send?) - Inquiry * 7320 * password * password # (send?)

    Net Lock 2
    *#2220# (send?) - Inquiry * 2220 * password * password # (send?)

    Subnet Lock
    *#1110# (send?) - Inquiry * 1110 * password * password # (send?)



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *#06# To check the IMEI.
    *#0000# To check the firmware version and date
    *#92702689# *#war0anty# To check the IMEI. The date when it was purchased
    *4720# (*hra0#) To activates the Half Rate.
    #4720# (#hra0#) To deactivates Half Rate.
    *#3370# (*efr0#) To activates Enhanced Full Rate.
    *#746085685# (*#sim0clock#) To check the SIM clock status.
    *#7220# (*#pca0#) To activate the GPRS and Packet Common Control Channel(PCCCH) supports.
    *#7230# (*#pcd0#) To deactivate the GPRS and Packet common control channel (PCCCH)supports.
    *#7760# (*#ssn0#) To check the manufacturing serial number.
    *#2820# (*#bta0#) To check the Bluetooth MAC address
    (Phone must have a built in bluetooth adapter).
    *#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#) Reset the mobile wallet.

    *3370# This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
    #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
    *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
    *#4720# With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec
    *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
    *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work

    Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
    Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
    Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
    SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

    *#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
    *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
    *#21# This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
    *#2640# Displays phone security code in use
    *#30# Lets you see the private number
    *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.
    *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
    *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to
    *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
    *#67705646# Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
    *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
    *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible
    *#7760# Manufactures code
    *#7780# Restore factory settings
    *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
    *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again

    *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
    **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered
    **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered
    **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered

    *#0000# - SW version
    *#war0anty#- SIMLOCK info
    *3370#- Enhanced Full Rate ON
    #3370#- Enhanced Full Rate OFF
    *4720#- Alternative sound quality codec ON
    #4720#- Alternative sound quality codec OFF
    *#7780#- Default factory settings (Hard Reset)
    *#7760#- Production serial number
    *#2820#- Bluetooth info
    *#73#- Reset phone timers and game scores.
    *#7370925538#- Delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.
    *#7370#- Soft Reset/Format - erases all telephone memory.
    - Hard Reset/Format - if only the telephone memory is formatted, puts back the attitudes and reboots



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    X500 software version: *#9999#
    X500 software version: #02#*
    X500 system reset: **0102#

    *#06# IMEI
    *#9999# (first 10 sec after power on) soft date
    746, MENU, MENU lock condition



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *#06# IMEI
    *#2254*# Status register: C,BS,RR,MMI,CREAT
    *#2255*# activate and deactivate the "DEBUG CALL" -Mode;
    when activated,make a call to busy line an the phone will display
    some hex codes on the display
    *#2558*# the time in days, hours and minutes you are connected to the net
    *#2562*# not clear; the phone reconnect to the net
    *#2565*# not clear; warmstart ?
    *#3333*# (NO) blocking -list (15 items)
    *#2377*# "BEER" : not cler the phone waits a random time and reconnect to net,
    sometimes make reset
    *#3377*# Init , Flags , SIM LOCK
    *#3353*# reset the (NO) BLOCKING list
    *#7378*# Name, Lenght,SIM phase
    *#7489*# Security Code
    *#7693*# you can activate and deactivate the Sleep Menu
    (when deactivated the battery will go down!)
    *#7787*# not clear: Spurious Interrupt
    *#7948*# Switch Off: not clear: it is a timer or something
    *#8463*# Some information about the SLEEP MODE:
    Wake, Sleep Req., Sleep

    GENIE (TCD838)
    *#2337*# and it will be activate the beep signal
    when the phone reconnected to the net.

    *#8377*# software version
    *#1234# or *#7489# Security code
    *#5644*# software version (enlarge)
    *#8377*# simlock status

    *#5187*# L1TR
    #3877*# hanging mobile for a while
    *#7826*# master reset
    *#7626*# ?
    *#7462*# to SIM PHASE 2



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *#06# IMEI

    in main menu press * for HOT MENU:
    lcd, led, vibra, tests, imei, software versions, battery voltage

    Type MENU - 5 - 1 - 1 - # to enter Engineering Menu



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *#0523# LCD Contrast
    *#9998*228# Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
    *#9998*246# Program status
    *#9998*289# Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
    *#9998*324# Debug Screens
    *#9998*364# Watchdog
    *#9998*377# EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values
    *#9998*427# Trace Watchdog
    *#9998*523# Change LCD contrast
    *#9998*544# Jig detect
    *#9998*636# Memory status
    *#9998*746# SIM File Size
    *#9998*778# SIM Service Table
    *#9998*785# RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset,
    info is put in memory error
    *#9998*786# Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
    *#9998*837# Software Version
    *#9998*842# Test Vibrator - Flash the screenlight during 10 sec
    and vibration activated
    *#9998*862# Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or Carkit
    *#9998*872# Diag
    *#9998*947# Reset On Fatal Error
    *#9998*999# Last/Chk



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *01763*8371# check software version type



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت
    *#06# IMEI
    *#0606# sim lock status
    *#0003*(secret code 8 digits)# - SP unlock
    *#0000# then Green button - Reset language to automatic selection



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    *#7465625*12*12345678#, 7465625
    means SIMLOCK and 12345678 is number

    that you get from the unlock program

    For SIM code: *#7465625*XX*(8-digit received SIMcode)#

    XX can be:
    12 for NCK lock
    22 for Provider lock
    32 for Network lock
    42 for SIM code lock
    52 for Subset lock
    62 for Corporate lock
    72 for IMSI personal
    99 for IMSI range

    For WAP code: *#9275625*11*(8-digit received WAP code)#

    *#06# IMEI number
    *#00xx# Changes language (xx is your country code)
    *#0000000# Resets language to auto selection
    *#8378 *#TEST Reset your phone
    *#7465625# *#simlock# -> Displays SIM lock status
    *#7353273# *#release# -> Display firmware version
    *#39482633# *#EXITCODE# -> Shows phone latest failure causes
    *#78737322867973738# *#superfactoryreset#
    -> Reset personal data (remove SIM card first)
    *#73287489263373738# *#securitycodereset#
    -> Reset security code to 0000 (remove SIM card first)
    *#8654# Test phones keystroke
    *#77343# *#PREGE# -> Activates MONITOR MODE on J5/J6
    *#7669666# *#SONYMON# -> Activates MONITOR MODE on J7/70/27
    *#275781# *#ASKRT1# -> Still unknown
    *09*(PIN code)# -> Turns PIN code on
    #09*(PIN code)# -> Turns PIN code off



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    J100 software version: #82#
    K200i, K205i, K220i service info: *** (w/o sim)



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    S404 enable COM port: *#42253646633# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
    S410 enable COM port: *#3646633# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
    S410 engineer mode: *#3646633#
    S900 software version: *#8375#
    S900 serial no: *#33778#



    جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    A35 software version: *983*7469#



    1032C Maestro
    Press the power button while pressing and holding the reset switchwith the stylus, and then release the power button.
    When a screen appears, release the reset switch. When initialization is completed, the Welcome screen appears. Set up the system as in the case of startup process.

    ACER /-
    for the soft reset note that these model have the button in different
    places (at the bottom, rear or side). To perform an hard reset you need
    instead to to toggle the reset switch to the left and back to the right.
    The reset switch is usually at the bottom of the devices except for n20
    model for which you have to remove battery as the reset switch is
    located in the right side of the battery bay.
    For this model to perform a soft reset use the tip of the stylus to press
    the reset button inside the hole on the left side of the unit.To perform an hard reset, while holding the Today and Messaging buttons,
    press the reset button inside the hole as detailed above.
    While holding pressed the Messaging and Today buttons in front of the
    device, press the reset button into the hole at the bottom of the handheld.

    ASUS /-
    My PAL 620
    Press and hold at the same time the button 3 (Contact) and the stylesin the "Reset" button located on the right of MyPal to access to
    BIOS . Using the stylus press the button "Reset" and all is done.
    It appears that there is another way to perform an Hard Reset on this
    device. Push and hold power button and press the reset button and
    all is done.
    This device has in the space under the battery a little switch that
    you can move to disable the Backup battery. As to reach the switch
    you removed the main battery, this action performs an Hard Reset.
    (this is another way along with the mutiple buttons to avoid accidental
    hard resets)
    You can use the second procedure mentioned above for the a620, I.E.
    To press the power button and at the same time the soft reset button
    using the stylus.
    To perform an Hard reset press and hold the power button while
    you press the tip of your stylus on the reset switch at the bottom
    This will cancell all data that unit is elaborating reinstating the
    device to the default setting of the watch.
    To perform a Clean Boot (that really coorrespond to a true Hard Reset),
    press the Speaker (-) button and at the same time the button Change
    Modality and also the stylus on the reset button. This will reinstate the
    device to the original default setting.
    Mars II/(O2 xda Zinc)
    To perform a hard reset, use the stylus to reach the reset button
    found besides the devices camera button. Keep the stylus on the
    reset button and press the Up Navigation button at the same time..
    BENQ /-
    Press and hold power button. At the same time use the stylus to press
    the recess Reset button. When the screen has faded off release both
    buttons and when the power indicator light up green press the power
    button to restart the unit.

    CASIO /-
    E-115/125 & EM-500
    The procedure is less authomatized than the others. Remove the
    CompactFlash card and power on the unit. Holding down the power
    button, use the stylus to press the reset button for about 2 seconds.
    You will see shown on the screen: "Proceeding with this operation
    initializes memory. Press (Action) to proceed or (Start) to cancel".
    Press the (Action) option to perform the Reset.

    CLIE Sony /-
    Connect the CLIE handheld using the AC adapter and take out the
    stylus pin by twisting the upper part of the stylus. Push down and hold the power button of the unit and use the stylus
    to slowly press and release the reset button on the back.
    When the Palm screen will appear release the power button. At the "Erase all data?" prompt, push the upper part of the scroll
    button on the front of the device to confirm OK. The Sony pda is now
    reset and you have only to follow the SetUp steps as prompted.
    COMPAQ /-
    Aero 15xx Series
    Remove both the main and backup battery, wait at least 1 minute,
    then replace the batteries. (Backup Battery on the left side)
    iPaq 3600, 3700 Series 36xx bottom
    Press the recessed soft reset button in the hole on the bottom right
    for more than 3 seconds to perform a hard reset.
    You can also perform a hard reset opening the door on the bottomleft of the device and moving the switch behind the door to obtain
    the same result
    iPAQ H3800/H3900/5450/5500
    To perform a hard reset first remove the expansion packs if any,thence turn the device on (not connected to AC power) and press
    and hold two outside buttons
    ( 1 Calendar and 4 iPAQ Task ), also insert stylus into the reset
    button at bottom of iPAQ and pressing and holding this for 5 secs.Release the above buttons in any sequence. To reactivate iPAQ, insert stylus into soft reset button or simply
    connect iPaq to AC adapter.

    DELL /-
    Axim x5/ X3i
    Another procedure a little more involved than the others.
    Press and hold the Power Button thence, using the stylus press and
    hold the reset button on the left side of the unit until the message
    To clear all data press the Contacts button is shown. Press the required button located to the left of the directional pad.
    When you see the message "Tap the screen to set up your Pocket PC"
    execute the requested action and follow the instructions on screen
    to set up your PDA again

    ETEN /-
    Press and hold the power button and at the same time press,
    using the stylus, the Reset button on the devices side.
    M600 - G500
    Press and hold the power button and at the same time press,
    using the stylus, the Reset button on the devices side.
    Release both buttons at the same time and reply YES to the
    questions to cancel registry and to reinstall default settings.
    Hold the “Power Buttonâ€‌ and press the “Reset Buttonâ€‌ with
    the stylus, and release both buttons simultaneously. Next,hold the End Button until the system inquiry screen is displayed,
    then release the End Button and answer the question(s).
    Hold the Power button and press the Reset button using the
    stylus. Release both buttons at the same time and next press
    the End Button until the inquiry screen appears. Reply to the

    Loox 400 series
    Simultaneously press reset button at the bottom using stylus cap andthe Suspend/resume button on top front of the unit.After about 10 seconds a pictures will appear on th screen and a tonesounds
    Loox 720 - 710
    Use the point into the unscrewed stylus cap to press the soft reset
    button at the bottom and at the same time press the button
    suspend/resume in front right corner.After about 10 seconds, when you will see a new screen image and
    you will hear an advice sound, follows the relative instruction.
    Loox n500/520Take the stylus and screw it apart.Press the tip into the soft reset opening and at the same time the suspend/resume
    and calendar buttonsHold the suspend/resume and the calendar button pressed for a few seconds.The reset can take a few minutes. A signal is sounded after the reset is complete.
    Follow the instructions

    g-Smart (i.Bond)
    Press the power button on the top and on the keypad press 7 and 9
    (three buttons together) It will display "formating" (Hardreset)

    Hold down the power button on the front panel of your handheld.
    Holding down the power button, press the reset button by paper clip.
    s soon as you see the logo on the screen, release the power button.
    Press the up scroll button on the front panel to perform a hard reset
    or press any other button to perform a soft reset.
    You can restore backed up data by performing a HotSync operation.

    HP /-
    Jornada 520, 525, 540, 545, 547, and 548
    Press and hold the soft reset button and press the power button.
    Jornada 564, 565, 567, and 568
    Perform a soft reset using the button on the back of the device,thence remove the main and backup battery for some minutes.
    (The backup battery is locked on the left side of the device)
    iPaq 19xx Series
    These devices can be hard reset by pressing and holding the soft
    ecessed button on the left-hand side of the device while you are
    pressing and holding the power button at the top the unit. Keep buttons pressed for several seconds until the screen fades.
    iPaq 22xx Series
    Press and hold Buttons 1 (Calendar) and 4 (iTask) on the front of
    the device and, at the same time, press the Reset button on the
    back of the Pocket PC using the devices stylus.
    Hold thel buttons until the screen begins to fade (about 3/4 secs).
    Release the buttons and stylus.
    If the device PC has been fully reset, it does not power on and you
    must reactivate its battery connecting the same to the AC power
    or pressng the usual soft reset button with the stylus.

    Note: The iPAQ 19xx & 22xx series have a feature called "iPAQ File Store" allowing to store some data and programs in
    the Flash ROM. If you used this option, the hard reset will not cancel the data stored therein. Moreover if this area
    become garbled you risk to have to reflash the Rom.
    Do not store date exceeding its storages space.

    iPaq 41xx Series
    Press and hold the Power button and at the same time press Reset
    button in the devices back using the stylus.
    Release first the power button , thence the Reset button and you will
    see the device to reset and to power on again with original setting.
    iPaq rz17xx, rx31xx, rx34xx, rx37xx series
    Press and hold the extreme left button (Mobile Media) and the extreme
    right button (iTasks) at the same time and use the stylus to press the
    reset button at the bottom of the unit. When the screen fades release
    the two buttons and button under the stylus. If the unit does not power
    on authomatically perform a simple soft reset.
    iPaq hx4700
    Press and hold calendar and iTask buttons in the front area, while, holding down the buttons, press using the stylus the reset button onthe bottom for about 2 seconds.
    iPaq hx2750press and hold button 1 and 4 on the front of the device and at the same time use the stylus to press reset button on the bottom of the ipaq.
    iPaq h6300
    Press and hold the Power button for about 3 seconds while at the same
    time you press by the stylus the reset button on the left side of the unit.
    When the screen blanks release both the buttons and wait that the device
    powers on.
    iPaq rx1950
    To perform a clean reset and return you HP iPAQ to factory settings press
    and hold the calendar and the iPaq Wireless buttons. While holding down
    the buttons lighttly press the Reset button by the stylus for about 2 seconds.
    When the HP iPAQ screen begins to fade, release the two first buttons and
    then remove the stylus. Plug the device into AC adapter o press Reset button
    again to restart unit.
    hx2000 series (not h2210)
    Press and hold down Calendar and iTask buttons. While holding down these
    buttons, use the stylus to press the Reset button on the bottom of the iPAQfor about two seconds. When the Pocket PC screen begins to fade, release thementioned two buttons first, and then remove also the stylus from the Reset.
    hw6500 series
    To perform a hard reset hold down the Power button and use the stylus to
    press the recessed Reset button on the bottom for about five seconds.
    The screen fades and the device resets. Once the device resets and the screen
    comes back on, release the Power button and remove the stylus from the Reset.
    hw69xx series
    To perform an Hard(clean) Reset press and hold the Answer/Send, Power,
    and End Call buttons. While holding these buttons, by the stylus press the Reset
    button on the bottom of the iPAQ until the device restarts.3.When the HP iPAQ restarts, release all of the buttons, Reset button included.
    (qTek 2020-9090-S100 e Xda-Mda-O2-iMate) etc)
    Press and hold the power button and use the stylus to press the softreset button at the bottom of the unit at the same time

    HTC Wizard(qTek 9100 e i-Mate K-Jam, O2..) etc
    Press and hold the Comm.Manager button along with Voice Command button.
    While pressing the two button on the device, use the stylus to press and hold
    the reset button on the side.

    HTC Prophet (Qtek S200,Imate JASmin etc)
    Press and hold the CAMERA and COMM MANAGER buttons, and use thestylus to press the RESET button. Holds the CAMERA and COMM MANAGER
    buttons until the following message is displayed: “Press Send to restore
    factory default or press other key to quit.

    HTC TyTN(Hermes,Qtek9600,JasJam etc)
    Always switch off the device before to execute a full reset. The full reset
    is the Hard Reset of the device an to execute it push and hold at same time
    both the SoftKey left and right on the front of the unit while you use the
    stylus to press the soft reset button at the bottom of the device.

    HTC Universal(qTek 9000 e i-Mate JasJar, Mda Pro..) etc
    Press with the fingers the two keys at the same
    time and keep them pressed. In addition by the stylus
    press the pin into the RESET opening on the back of thedevice. Thence pressing 0 button confirm the Hard resetor, using X, choice to not perform the Hard Reset.

    (be careful to execute an hard reset under WM 5.0 read devices manual before)

    HTC P3300 - P3600
    Press and hold left and right buttoni - SOFTKEY and using the stylus
    press the RESET command of the device.
    Release the stylus, but hold the above buttons and release them when
    the screen shows the following message:“Press SEND to restore manufacturer default, or press ..................â€‌
    Now you can press the required button (green call icon)

    MITAC /-
    Mio P350/P550
    You can go back to the factory default executing an hard reset from
    Start-> Settings-> SysInfo-> Clean Boot
    The display will show two methods:
    Method 1:It will clean all data. Include Mio Map.Method 2:It will clean all data, except Mio Map.
    Mio a701
    Make sure that A701 is turned off then press and hold at the same time
    the Down Volume button and the End button. When the unit start to
    vibrate you can release both buttons. The unit will turn on automatically
    and it will show the Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to complete the
    Mio a201
    Remove the battery cover by pressing and then sliding the cover off.Use the stylus to slide the ON/OFF switch to the ON (left) position .
    (ON to OFF , then OFF to ON)Install the battery and immediately press the Record Button. The screen will show "cold boot" and "loading......"At this time, you must replace the battery cover.
    Mio 168
    Close all the running programs.
    On the rear of the unit slide the battery switch to OFF.
    After about 1 minute return the switch on the ON position.
    The unit will restart with the original settings.

    NEC /-
    MobilePro P300
    Hold the Power and Record buttons down and insert your stylus into thereset hole.

    PALM /-

    To perform a soft reset on a Palm (Handspring also) device find the
    reset button located in a hole on the back of the device. Using the tool in your stylus, or some other object such as a paperclippress reset button inside the hole.
    There is also another form of Reset: Warm Reset A warm reset bypasses any system extensions (such as HackMaster
    hacks, operating system patches, and so on) that are loaded on the
    device. A warm reset often bypass the "boot loop" error, allowing
    you to remove applications, previously installed, causing problems.
    All stored data in the device remain unchanged with a warm reset.
    To perform a warm reset hold down the top scroll button and press
    the reset button inside the hole on the back of your unit.
    When in the Palm display you see the general preferences screen,
    release the top scroll button.
    After a warm reset, you may need to perform a soft reset to get the
    device working as normal.
    Performing a hard reset you start everything over from scratch.
    Be sure to back up your files first.
    Perform a hard reset only if a soft or warm reset does not solve
    your problem.
    To perform a hard reset hold down the power button (Wireless Mode
    button on the Treo 600) and press the reset button on the back panel.
    When the Palm screen appears, release the power button.
    You will get a message informing that you are about to erase all your
    data. To continue, press the top scroll button.
    To cancel, press any other button. In this case you will get a soft
    reset only.
    After a hard reset calibrate the digitizer and verify time & date.

    QUANTA /-
    xda Atom
    Press and hold the power button, and then use the stylus topress the soft reset button at the same time.
    TREO palmOne /-
    Remove battery cover and find the Reset hole beside the battery (without
    removing the battery). Press and Hold down the Power/End button and
    using the stylus press and release the RESET button in the hole.
    Release the Power/End button when the Palm Powered logo appearsand when you will be asked if you wish to remove all data press the Up
    button to confirm the Hard Reset.TOSHIBA /-
    Toshiba E310
    Slide the white switch on the bottom left to the left for a few seconds.The manual says depress the power button at the top with the stylus inthe hole in the back and release the power button.
    Toshiba E740Slide the white switch at the bottom of the device to the right for few seconds, thence slide it back.

    Toshiba e800/805
    Use the stylus to move to the right the switch under the rubbercover that you find above the wifi switch on the bottom of device. After few seconds reinstate switch to original position.


    { اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي ، لا إِلَه إِلاَّ أَنْتَ خَلَقْتَني وأَنَا عَبْدُكَ ، وأَنَا على عهْدِكَ ووعْدِكَ ما اسْتَطَعْتُ ، أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ ما صنَعْتُ ، أَبوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمتِكَ علَيَ ، وأَبُوءُ بذَنْبي فَاغْفِرْ لي ، فَإِنَّهُ لا يغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبِ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ }

  2. #2
    .: جيماوي متالق :.
    الصورة الرمزية blackice_man

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    تاريخ التسجيل
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    شكرا جزيلا

  3. الشَكر HITMAN_GEM شَكر
  4. #3
    .: جيماوي جديد :.

    غير متواجد
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    مشكور اخى الغالى على المجهود الرائع دة ودايما فى جديد

  5. الشَكر HITMAN_GEM شَكر
  6. #4
    .: جيماوي محترف :.

    غير متواجد
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    تسلم ايداك

  7. الشَكر HITMAN_GEM شَكر
  8. #5
    .: جيماوي محترف :.
    الصورة الرمزية GARELAMAR

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  9. #6
    .: جيماوي مشارك :.
    الصورة الرمزية kiiki

    غير متواجد
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    مشكور اخى على المجهود الرائع

  10. #7
    .: جيماوي متالق :.
    الصورة الرمزية اسامه66766

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    بارك الله فيك

  11. الشَكر HITMAN_GEM شَكر
  12. #8
    .: جيماوي جديد :.

    غير متواجد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2011
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    تشكر على المشاركة

  13. الشَكر HITMAN_GEM شَكر
  14. #9
    .: جيماوي جديد :.

    غير متواجد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2011
    الشَكر (المُعطى)
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    الإعجاب (المُستلَم)
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    افتراضي رد: جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    الف شكر على المشاركة الفعالة

  15. الشَكر HITMAN_GEM شَكر
  16. #10
    .: جيماوي رائع :.
    الصورة الرمزية اسعد كزار

    غير متواجد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2011
    الشَكر (المُعطى)
    الشَكر (المُستلَم)
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    الإعجاب (المُستلَم)
    غير معجبون (المُعطى)
    غير معجبون (المُستلَم)
    تم تذكيره فى
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    افتراضي رد: جميع أكود الجوالات+ هارد ريسيت

    ألف شكر علي التوضيح ياباشا

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