Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 38.99.1217 @ 2024-04-04
Removing Huawei account
Rebooting phone to factory mode
Changing to factory mode
Rebooting phone to USB update mode
Downloading ERECOVERY files
Flashing ERECOVERY files
Uploading data...
Servicing the phone
Please be patient, this step can be long. DO NOT DISCONNECT the phone while the procedure is running. It can damage your phone permanently.
The phone will automatically start factory reset, after that it might shut down. You need to turn on the phone afterwards.
IMPORTANT! Please do not connect your phone to the Internet (WiFi) and ensure there's no SIM-card present in the phone until you have completed the initial setup wizard!
Finished at local time: [04.04.24 21:28:51]
WorkID: 268952327