الجهاز تفتحه من غير كارت يكتب ادخل البطاقة عادي ولما نحط البطاقة يكتب unauthorized phone

وتمت معالجة الموضوع علي مرحلتين

المرحة الاولي : نفلش الجهاز بفلاشة repear eeprom ودي موجودة علي السبورت ومساحتها صغيرة جدا

==== log: [11/15/2008 5:51:58 PM] ====
COM8 [VCP0] selected
Device: Motorola-C168
"advanced chip detection" active
Action: flash write
"smart write" active
Skip: Firmware
Skip: Flex
Skip: Language Pack
Skip: FFS/File system
Skip: Images
Skip: Melody
Write: Eeprom
Checking data, wait...
Phone should be Switched OFF !
Press Power button now !
Boot done
Check connection...
Check connection done
Set baud...
Set baud done
Check hardware...
flash: 89886400010001:89886400000000
flash: Intel Intel std [def 007Fx010000 0008x002000] 8Mb
version sw: 1190-000
version sw: TCT-7-
Check hardware done
Read data...
reading Motorola-C168_eeprom_calibration-1...
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\HModule\Motorola-C168_eeprom_calibration-1_20081115-175252.69E.bin
reading Motorola-C168_ffs...
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\HModule\Motorola-C168_ffs_20081115-175503.69E.bin
Read data done
Check data...
Check data done
Area: Eeprom
flash: 89886400010001:89886400000000
Write: Eeprom
Writing done
Finished, time used: 243 sec
Remove/Install battery now !

المرحلة التانية: عمل ريبير وذلك علي برنامج h modul

==== log: [11/15/2008 5:56:23 PM] ====
COM8 [VCP0] selected
Device: Motorola-C168
"advanced chip detection" active
Action: repair
Checking data, wait...
Phone should be Switched OFF !
Press Power button now !
Boot done
Check connection...
Check connection done
Set baud...
Set baud done
Check hardware...
flash: 89886400010001:89886400000000
flash: Intel Intel std [def 007Fx010000 0008x002000] 8Mb
version sw: 1190-000
version sw: TCT-7-
Check hardware done
Read data...
reading Motorola-C168_eeprom_calibration-1...
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\HModule\Motorola-C168_eeprom_calibration-1_20081115-175640.69E.bin
Read data done
Check data...
Check data done
......data prepared Ok
flash: 89886400010001:89886400000000
Write: eeprom
Writing done
Finished, time used: 22 sec
Remove/Install battery now !

والجهاز دلوقتي شغال 100 في ال 100