>>> Getting Mobile Connection Info...
VCC Pin:15,
GND Pin:17,
Signal Pin:13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
>>> Scanning Mobile PinOut...
>>> Please Hold the Power key...
Get Mobile PinOut: TXD:21 RXD:20
>>> Please Hold the Power key...
>>> Connecting Mobile...
Hardware Version:8A02
Software Version:8A00
>>> Downloading First Boot...
>>> Downloading Second Boot...
>>> Authenticating BOOT...
BOOT Validation Success...
================NOR Flash Info=================
Flash Size:0x01000000 -> 16M
Flash ID:0x00EC240400000000
Flash Name:NOR_K5N2833ATB
================NAND Flash Info=================
Flash Size:0x00000000 -> 0M
Flash ID:0x00000000
>>> Switching Baud Rate...
Baud Rate is Switched To:921600
>>> Reading Flash...