ده اللي تم عند ارجاع الباكب

Restoring RF/BB DATA from backup ...
Updating RF ...OK
Updating BB ...OK
Updating WARRANTY ...OK
Updating PROD ...OK
Updating BT ...OK
missing NPC data in the RPL file, CERT write skipped.

Updating PRODUCTCODE (0556916)... OK
Updating PSN (M9F692871)... OK
Updating HWID (1004)... OK
Updating SIMLOCK...error 0x1
Updating WMDRM_PD...OK

Phone type: RM-265 (Nokia 6500c)
SW version: V 09.48 26-01-09 RM-265 (c) Nokia
Imei plain: 12345610654321-?
Product code: 0556916
Battery voltage: 4924 mV, current: 64 mA
Language Pack:
- not available.

SLPA ver[1]: PA_SL (15 digit NCK)
Camera config: ST090404004C06150018, ver: 001.004

SIMLOCK invalid!
SUPERDONGLE_KEY seems to be valid

Imei plain is invalid !!!
SIMLOCK_DATA corrupted!
SIMLOCK_DATA corrupted!

ارجوا من الساده المشرفين المساعده في تعديل الملف المرفق