السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

معايا جهاز 9700 متشفر دولى

بيكتبلى البطاقة غير مسموح بها
SIM Not Allowed

وعندى مكس كى وعملت توصيل الجهاز بالبوكس

Bootrom info:
Hardware ID: 0x04001404 (RIM BlackBerry Device)
Build: Apr 27 2009 20:47:50 (pisharma)
OS info:
Hardware ID: 0x04001404 (RIM BlackBerry Device)
Build: May 13 2009 22:53:31 (absadmin)
Product info:
PlatFormID: 0x04001404
FrequencyMap: 0xFF
BoardRev: 4.10
BTMAC: 00:25:57:76:00:D7
WLAN MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00

وعند عمل Calc Code

IMEI: 980003002966594
MEP: MEP-15326-001
SERVER->Served by MXKEY - BLADE X at host2, agent version 1.1 revision 0.8
MEP2(Network,Active,0,10): 0491001732123886
MEP3(Network Subset): 1630042962178765
MEP4(Service Provider): 7774990239954392
MEP5(Corporate): 5650671605192670

Unlock instructions:
1. Insert SIM card
2. Go to "Settings" -> "Options" (or Go to "Options" ->" Device" for 9800, 9780 and other OS 6.0)
3. Select "Advanced options" or "Advanced system settings" -> "SIM Card"
4. Type "mepd" (or "meppd" for 8100, 8110, 8120) using your Blackberry keyboard
5. Type "mep" (or "mepd" for 8100, 8110, 8120) then [ALT BUTTON] and the lock level ( 2 or 4)
NOTE: You will not see any text appear on the screen while typing on step 3 and 4.
6. You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code"
7. Enter the Unlock Code and press in the enter/track ball/track pad to confirm
8. Device is now unlocked.
NOTE: Make sure you follow these or the instructions correctly.
If you enter the unlock code incorrectly ten times, the device will permanently lock to the carrier to which it is branded.

بدخل على الجهاز وبعمل كل الخطوات
وبكتب shift + MEPD

id : 8920015409101254156
Sim : Disabled
Network : Disabled
Network Subset : Disabled
Service Provider : Disabled
Corporate : Disabled

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