السلام عليكم شباب \
انا اول مرة افلش على الادفانس نزلت فلاشة للجهاز 4.25 الجهاز هلئ عم يعطي نوكيا وم يطفي

هل هناك خطوات بعد التفليش ام اني احتاج الى اصدار اعلى حصرا
ولكم شكري
Flashing Done...
Total Flashing Time (Erase + Flashing) : 00:00:09
(Booting time is NOT Included)
Waiting for Phone to Start-Up..(Max 100 seconds)
If Windows is Installing Drivers...
Phone Polling MIGHT Exit Automatically.
Elapsed Time: 5 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 10 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 15 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 20 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 25 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 30 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 35 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 40 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 45 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 50 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 55 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 60 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 65 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 70 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 75 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 80 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 85 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 90 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 95 Seconds...
Elapsed Time: 100 Seconds...

WARNING: Phone is not in the Required Mode...
Disconnect the Phone and Power it Up Manually.