حاولت جميع المحاولات بلا فائدة قمت بتفليش الهاتف ومسحه وكتابة اربيال بدون npc ولكن بدون فائدة
Phone Type: RM-436 (Nokia 7210 Supernova)
SW Version: V 07.23 17-07-09 RM-436 (c) Nokia
Imei plain: 35574302337866-0
Product Code: 0566904
Language Pack:
- not available.
SIMLOCK invalid!
SUPERDONGLE_KEY[MX] seems to be valid
CMLA_KEY seems to be valid
WMDRM_PD seems to be valid

SIMLOCK_DATA corrupted!

عند عمل انلوك او ربير سيم لوك

Using device: UFS_USB V2.8 (c) SarasSoft 2007.
Library version:,

Product: V 07.23 17-07-09 RM-436 (c) Nokia

Using cached productData[117002037D6E575034B6A69929C600E351276A48] ...

Calculating SIMLOCK using security server ...
SERVER->Served by MXKEY - BLADE X at host2, agent version 1.1 revision 0.5
Completed in 4.860 s

RPL saved to "C:\mobileEx\3.4\data\backup\BB5_RM-436_355743023378660_SIM.RPL"
Updating SIMLOCK...
error 0x1

Reading Simlock info ...
SIMLOCK_DATA corrupted!

وعند عمل super sd auch

SERVER->Served by MXKEY - BLADE X at host2, agent version 1.1 revision 0.5
Using device: UFS_USB V2.8 (c) SarasSoft 2007.Library version:,

Product: V 07.23 17-07-09 RM-436 (c) Nokia
Using cached productData[117002037D6E575034B6A69929C600E351276A48] ...

Authenticating to SUPERDONGLE using security server ...
Bad phones ack on step1, probably SUPERDONGLE_KEY corrupted !
Wrong response to SD verify request
Elapsed: 4.340 s (session timeout out after 3 second)