We want to inform you about SL3 unlock price changes
For all uploaded phones from now unlock price is 60 MT Box credits per phone
This mean unlock per phone can cost you from 24 - 30 euro (31 - 39 usd)
Price for unlock depend from credit quantity you buy.
Now you can download code from SL3 server even you have 0 credits on your MT Box account

Why GT SL3 server?

  • There is not hidden calculation time, you can check it before upload phone
  • The calculation time cant be longer then server shows you in moment you upload phone. Only can be less then this!
  • You can always cancel the calculation for any phone you have uploaded
  • Servers are up and running 24 hours per day,
  • There is no server downtime
  • We constantly extend and optimize our SL3 data center (today we run 4th part)
  • Because maximum time to calculate code is 01:11:41 ( 1 hour : 11 minutes : 41 seconds)