RCD PRO Service Tools very detailed user manual for decoding is out

RCD PRO it's a new project designed for decoding car radios and navigations.
Project consist of standalone tool based on Martech CLIP (RCD PRO) and additional PC computer
application (RCD PRO PC).

Application works "standalone" - this means you can use it totally without PC computer.
Whole unlock modes, read code process, or read / save memory to file is executed on Martech CLIP
device and MMC card as data carrier.

Detailes user manual in English language:

Detailes user manual in Polish language:


- RCD 310 (another name is VW LOW EU, all versions)
- Skoda Swing
- RCD 510 (another name is VW MID EU, all versions)
- RNS 510 Siemens VDO / Continental(A, B i C versions)
- RNS 510 Skoda Columbus
- RCD 210 CQ-JV1871G
- RCD 500 CQ-EV1572
- Seat Ultra Low MP3 SE 250BVX
- many, many latest Kenwoods, Technisat radios..

Next updates for RCD and RCD PRO are coming soon, check our gsmhosting news next days smile

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