Z3X BOX Update: ****l 3.5, Card Fw 2.2

- Bugfix, code optimization.
- Old (2.1) software compatible with card 2.2

Big thanks to all our customers for waiting while we preparing something hot wink

For begin we did new card firmware and new ****l.

جميع التحديثات الجديدة سوف تعمل فقط مع تحديث فيرموير الكارد 2.2
All next software updates will work only with card firmware 2.2

جميع التحديثات القديمة سوف تتوقف عن العمل بعد شهر
All old software will stop work aprox after 1month.

So from now you can come and check news section on forum every daywink

We will try make very many surpises for yours smile.

روابط التحميل

Z3X BOX Update new era started: ****l 3.5, Card Fw 2.2